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Ferona Drawing

SEAT Ferona



This project was conceived as a final degree project, in collaboration with the Spanish car company SEAT.
The idea was the creation of a new model car. We had to make the interior, the exterior, and an auxiliary transport.

In my case, I decided to create a sports model, with sharp shapes but a line continuity. It was supposed to have an electric motor, for that reason, the grill would be purely aesthetic.

SEAT Ferona



Proyecto realizado en colaboración con la empresa automovilística SEAT como  Proyecto Fin de Grado.

Este proyecto se basaba en la creación de un nuevo modelo de coche para SEAT. 
Debíamos realizar la idea del interior, el exterior y un transporte auxiliar.
En mi caso me decidí por un modelo deportivo, agresivo pero de continuidad lineal. En un principio tendría motor eléctrico por lo que la parrilla sería puramente estética. 

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